"Delight and captivate the customer - That’s our motto. Vybrant always leaves its mark wherever it passes. We treat our customers as business partners, and spare no effort to accomplish our goals with excellence. Challenges are our motivation."

- Márcio Grossi.

Márcio is Vybrant’s Technical Director and Partner, and has more than 20 years of experience in software development as a service. He joined Hexacta (OLD VYBRANT) a few months after its inauguration in 2000. During his career he led software development projects with success. Those projects range from fields like telecommunications, chemistry, pharma and services. Currently he is responsible for managing Vybrant’s tech services field and software factory. 

Before joining Hexacta, Márcio worked with system development in the health field. Also, he has participated in academic research projects in parallel and distributed computing at the  Laboratory of Integrated Systems (POLI-USP). While in university, Marcio was also part of the Latin American champion team in the global programming Olympiad promoted by the Association for Computing Machinery.

Márcio has a Master’s degree in Computer Science via IME-USP, and a MBA in Strategic and Economic Project Management via FGV.

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