Outsourcing Services

Expertise in sourcing, selecting, hiring, developing and maintaining highly capable professionals, as well as providing commitment to the results of our projects.

We are specialized in following up candidates end-to-end in the hiring process - sourcing through post-hiring. These actions position us as a company that is focused on our most important stakeholders: candidates and clients.

Our recruiters use multiple technologies to aid in the hiring process, including databases and tracking systems to always have the most up to date information about candidates and clients. These tools allow us to guarantee a more adherent result through our customers/clients demands.

  • Quality in retention;
  • Detailed Feedbacks Database;
  • Assessments and technical reviews of candidates;
  • Extensive market experience in multiple IT fields and demands - since the year 2000 in multiple countries building an extensive proprietary talent database.

High performance tools

Every hiring process that we are involved in engage a team of highly skilled recruiters and intelligent tools. That blend supports having a better visualization, control and follow-up of the hiring processes. To keep the outstanding results we constantly update to contents and functionality of the tools we use. Being Linkedin recruiter, Breezy, Trello, and our proprietary database of candidates some of the main tools we use as part of these processes.

People-focused team

In addition to our technical teams that support the recruiting processes when required, we assembled a highly capable recruiting team with deep knowledge in HR and Psychology. With this combination of multidisciplinary teams we are able to always consider the technical and personal aspects of each candidate, considering their career development needs, their motivations, aspirations, and other human factors that contribute to increase people satisfaction and retention in their jobs.

Adaptable Processes

Vybrant focuses on quality, assertiveness and flexibility. This way, our teams can easily adapt into different clients’ processes and expectations, be precise in our search and shorten hiring cycles to achieve faster results.

It Management Team

As part of our outsourcing solutions, Vybrant co-manages the selected professionals as they perform in our clients´ projects. We support on conflict management, culture challenges, skill gaps, career development and all HR aspects that can help in raising retention and productivity.

Excellent Cost Benefit

Vybrant works with flexible payment models to candidates and from customers, adapting its services to various different operating models. Looking at candidates, we can accommodate more fixed or variable pay, more fringe benefits versus fixed pay only, or whatever model best suits our candidates. On the client side, we can adapt to their payment processes, hourly versus monthly rates, different countries holidays and vacation periods etc. And a benefit of the outsourcing model is that client only pays for a filled position with a performing resource. In case of a resource who does not perform well, Vybrant will replace the resource. In addition, this model always pushes for high retention rate, as a fee is paid only when a resource is actually delivering.

Highly Skilled Professionals

We work with an astonishing database, built since the year 2000 and constantly updated, hence allowing us to keep up with a wide variety of professionals through their careers. With this follow up, we are able to help companies seek professionals who meet their required skills, and help candidates to engage in opportunities that lead them to achieving their professional aspirations.

We invest in professional training and development opportunities for each one of our collaborators, to support their career growth.

Through the right incentive mechanisms, we are very efficient in sourcing, screening, hiring, developing and retaining the best IT professionals in the market.

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