Through the extensive knowledge of our professionals, Vybrant offers an agile, detailed and efficient service in its hiring processes, using transparent communication with our clients for an assertive understanding of the desired profiles.

We maintain a direct and close communication with our candidates throughout the end-to-end recruitment process with the client, generating outstanding service quality, thus standing out amongst other consultancies.

We use multiple recruitment tools and a proprietary database. With this, our team of recruiters is able to deliver results with more volume and quality.

Our Recruitment methodology applies to the most diverse profiles in the Information Technology area.

Client Culture

Through our close communication with our client, we can sort profiles based on the required skills for the position. Thus allowing a more precise profile analysis and sorting.

Technical and soft skills evaluation

We have a technical team able to test our candidates technical skills through simple or more sophisticated exams, sorting only the best suited candidates to advance in our recruitment processes. If requested, we also have a team of psychologists who can evaluate soft skills to better adapt to our clients’ demands.

IT Focused Recruiting

With more than 20 years in the IT market, we have extensive knowledge and a structured database to find and recruit the best suited professional for the open position.

Close monitoring

In the process of IT recruiting, the work goes beyond talent selection, we map the quality of the delivery provided by the resources we hired and manage the professionals life cycle in order to further understand their motivations, strengths and weaknesses to consider when offering them new positions in the right moment.

This monitoring begins in the recruiting process, we keep a close communication with the candidate and the client through the interviews gathering feedbacks and documenting them. We continue this close communication with both, candidate and client after the hiring process and over time to have a deep understanding of the resources we keep in our database.


Excellent Cost Benefit

Vybrant works with flexible payment models with customers, adapting its services to various budgets, expectations and models. We trust our service quality and assertiveness and require no exclusivity to fill an open position, just charging fees based on success. The only thing we require is commitment from clients to the recruiting process, being agile in evaluating resumes and providing options to schedule interview meetings.

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