

Telemar was a holding created in 1998 from the split of Telebrás when there was a privatization of telecommunications companies, which was composed of 16 companies that operated from Brazil’s North, Northeast and East regions. 


The AG Telecom consortium had Telemar under its belt, and was divided between these applications: Andrade Gutierrez Telecomunicações (21,2%), Inepar Group (20%), Macal group (20%), Fiago Participações e Fundo de Investimento Nacional (18,8%). The company's name was the union of two words: tele, with reference to the telephone service, and mar (which stands for sea in Portuguese), since, initially, it operated on the northeast and north coast of the country.

1) Interconnection Project


Telemar needed a tech company as a partner to solve the following interconnection issues:

  • Optimization and homogenization of the necessary procedures that envolve clearing;
  • Cost reduction relative to interconnection operational expenses.


Hexacta was hired to address Telemar’s interconnection issues. These are the steps taken in the project:

  • Elaboration of scenarios that evaluate clearing solutions/alternatives;
  • Upbringing of technical, functional and report requirements in clearing systems;
  • Identification of opportunities for optimization and centralizing of processes;
  • Accounting, ticket certification and area report systems implementation;

The results obtained were:

  • Reduction of projected operational expenses higher than R$ 5M;year;
  • Estimated revenue growth of R$25M/year;
  • Reduction of contestation instances;
  • More productivity in the interconnection sector;
  • Optimization and unification of 10 different processes.

2) Revenue Assurance Project


With the goal of reducing revenue dips, Hexacta was hired to address the following issues:

  • Regarding Telemar’s mediation - implement daily reading mechanisms, as well as verification of integrity and consistency. This was set as a foundation of Telemar’s Revenue Assurance program;
  • Reduction in the number of unbilled counters, mediation and billing time;
  • Complete cycle processing before work hours/workday.


Hexacta developed a revenue assurance solution to Telemar via the following procedures:

  • Analysis of the harvesting processes used in Telemar's main operators;
  • Best practices identification and development of new procedures;
  • Infrastructure and daily harvesting process automation implementation, using systems that fit the business needs;
  • Project execution initially in RJ, with posterior implementation in RJ, MG and ES Brazilian states.


With the implementation of the solution developed by Hexacta, Telemar achieved the following results:

  • Projected reduction in operating expenses of more than BRL 5 million / year
  • Estimated revenue increase of BRL 25 million / year
  • Reduction in the number of disputes
  • Increased productivity in the interconnection area
  • Optimization and unification of 10 different processes

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