Eli Lilly

Eli Lilly

Lily’s products arrived in Brasil in 1930, and the installation of its franchise happened in 1944 in Rio de Janeiro, registered as Eli Lilly and Co. of Brazi. After nine years, the company’s operations were transferred to São Paulo, following up afterwards with a name change to Eli Lily do Brasil.


In 1953, Lilly started producing its medicine in São Paulo. The first products to be fabricated were Merthiolate, Isedrin, Codestrine Syrup and Benzoped. Since 2002, when Lilly’s factory passed through a 7 year restructuring, it received the ISO 14.001 certification. The company is currently located at Morumbi Avenue, Brooklyn neighborhood, in São Paulo.

Eli Lily do Brasil was elected one of the top 150 best companies to work in 2017, 2018 and 2019 by VOCÊ Magazine, aside from being awarded as one of the best companies to start a career in 2018.


Eli Lilly needed a partner to support the integration of legacy systems to power their BI system.


Hexacta was hired to develop ETL solutions for integration of all legacy systems to feed their database, central to BI procedures. We executed three integration projects to different systems, all implemented in .Net.

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